

A Family Art Business In The Age of Crypto By Katherine ST. George

Standing in front of Pontedisole, one of the paintings in Italian-American artist Pasquale Cuppari’s recent Enter Utopia exhibit, I could not help but feel peaceful. The exhibition was held in the Greenwich Village’s First Presbyterian Church, in a second-story room with arched windows through which sunlight illuminated the swathes of glitter (among other unconventional materials such as gold chips) that are strewn across the canvas of Pontedisole. The series of abstract works on display, which invite viewers to enter a sublime made up of color, texture, and twinkling light, alleviate at least for a moment the stresses of a world less certain and faster-paced than ever.

However, it was also the guide I had on this gallery tour that contributed to the serenity of Enter Utopia. Pasquale Cuppari is a genial man whose long career as a painter is apparent in the ease with which he moves among the airy exhibition room. His long career has been a successful one, too, with his art appearing in private collections as prestigious as that of the Rockefeller family and shows as prestigious as a Sotheby’s New York gala. As he showed me around the exhibit, the excitement with which Pasquale explained the story behind each painting was palpable. Breathlessly, he described the inspiration that overtook him during the creation of his current series: “[The paintings] were coming to me unbelievably. One after another, one after another. I couldn’t sleep. I painted all twelve in a month and a half. I was driven. There was something that needed to come out.”

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